New branding inQdo

Peter Perebooms
April 16, 2024
Scherm computer copy

The previous logo has served as our business card for over 13 years, but it was time for a new look. Together with 23G and "Dieuwer met een U", we have worked hard over the past period on a new logo with its own unique character. Round, flowing shapes, the use of fresh colors, and modern graphic elements form the basis of the new design.

Of course, we want to be recognizable, so the logo must reflect our identity. Core concepts for us are collaboration, accessibility, agility, and being a people-oriented company. And the fact that we are Dutch is naturally reflected in the choice of colors. And, of course, this forms the basis of our new website.

We haven't tinkered with our name, which is quite distinctive. We have left our striking name untouched. With that "Funny name," we continue to pursue our "Serious business," where quality is paramount. Curious where this name actually comes from? Check out this page:

We're curious to know what you think of our new branding.

Let us know!